About Me 

A decade of experience helping you achieve and maintain optimal health, all while enjoying the journey.

Hello! I am Adele Aziz, founder of Multidimensional Health.

Health is more than just the freedom of disease. There are many dimensions of health (physical, mental, spiritual, among others) that in conjunction lead us to a general feeling of wellbeing or malaise. The traditional model of health hyper-focuses on the physical practices (exercise, with the sole aim of burning calories), and overlooks the more subtle factors that influence health (work environment, relationships, self-esteem). In order to reach your optimal state of health and wellbeing, all dimensions of health must be considered, honored and nurtured.

I speak from my experience of a 6-year-long struggle with myalgic encephalomyelitis (also known as chronic fatigue syndrome). It was out of desperation (having exhausted the possibilities that the Western medical system offered me) that I made some big changes to my life in the hope of starting to feel well again. I removed myself from a toxic work environment and moved to another country. I gave my diet a 180. I started to prioritize rest. I started saying NO to things that required energy that I didn’t have to give.

As the months went by, I started to feel better. As I began to trust in the process I began to reconnect with my long-lost intuition, which allowed me to see where the fatigue had been coming from in the first place; a blatant lack of self-care practices in my day-to-day life. As I started to prioritize self-care and began to feel even better, I felt a fire being lit underneath me. I felt called to share with others the discovery that had helped me heal; that you intuitively know what you need in order to be well, and you are the only person who stands in the way of you getting there.

At Multidimensional Health, my goal is to help you connect with your inner healer and thus be able to meet your own unique health and wellbeing needs independently for the rest of your life. I am here to familiarize you with self-care practices (various modalities of exercise, mindful eating, relaxation and introspection techniques) that address the many dimensions of health, and help you build the confidence and knowledge base to lead your own way in your healing journey. I am here to help for as long as you need me, be it one session, several months, or years. My ultimate goal is for you to connect with your inner healer and independently achieve and maintain optimal health and wellbeing, whatever that looks like for you.

Since I got my start in the world of health and fitness in 2015 I have worked with clients from all walks of life with a wide range of health histories, and have taken great pleasure in seeing them become more in-tune with their unique health needs and take ownership of their healing process. I have also deeply immersed myself in my own physical and spiritual journey, taking great joy in deepening my health practices in a variety of ways: developing a daily meditation practice, lifting weights, playing beach volleyball, reading, surfing, bouldering, rollerblading, practicing yoga, cooking. . .

Over the years I have also dedicated myself to continuing my development as a professional in health and wellness in order to deepen my knowledge of the human body and spirit and to be able to best serve my clients as they pursue an approach toward healing that considers all dimensions of health.

It would be my pleasure to help you get started on your journey or advance your existing practices in the multidimensional world of health.

My Journey in Photos